Let us get passed that fear

Let us get passed that fear

We live in the world where we are constantly working or at least are dreaming about a life that is full of joy, which everyone is envious of. We naturally think of ways to make

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Akello le Mazenod li kopanya lihlooho

Akello le Mazenod li kopanya lihlooho

Kampani ea Thekiso le Libuka ka Marang-rang ea Akello e tekenetse selekane le ea Mazenod, ho rekisetsa Basotho le sechaba libuka ka marang-rang. Tsena li etsahetse maohong oa Econet HigherLife Mazenod ka la 30 Phato

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Baena ba bopa bonngoe

Baena ba bopa bonngoe

Kopano ea Baena ba Setefane ba Deanary ea Mofumahali oa Lefatše, ba simolotse potoloho ea bona ea pele ‘mishoneng oa Maria Mofumahali oa Masabiella, Koro-Koro ka la 25 Phato monongoaha ka sepheo sa ho tsosolosa

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Sechaba se nolofalloa ke maeto

Sechaba se nolofalloa ke maeto

Tona-Kholo Samuel Matekane o ipilelitse ho mafapha ohle a muso ho fa mekonteraka ea Basotho mosebetsi le ho ba lefa ka nako. "Lona makala a haeso ha le se na chelete se ka fanang ka

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Li amohela Molula-Setulo

Li amohela Molula-Setulo

Motlatsi oa Mookameli oa Kopano ea Maoblata Lesotho Fr. Paul Matlosa OMI, o hlahisitse kapel'a Litho tsa Boto ea Kampani ea Mazenod Molula-Setulo e mocha oa Boto e leng Fr. Anthony Makatjane OMI. Tsena li

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Ba tšehetseng ha ba anyesa

Ba tšehetseng ha ba anyesa

Ngoana ho tloha a hlahile o lokela ho qalella ho anyesoa hobane taba eo e mo thusa ho ba lesea le koenneng hantle. Tsena li hlaheletse ketelong ea Letsatsi la Lefatše la Kanyeso ea Bana,

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Japan e fa lekala M139Millione

Japan e fa lekala M139Millione

Letona la Thuto le Koetliso Prof. Ntoi Rapapa ka kopanelo le Moemeli oa Japan Naheng ea Lesotho Mohlomphehi Ushio Shigeru, Mohokahanyi oa Makhatlo oa Lithuso oa Japan(JICA) Mohlomphehi Okada Kaoru le boemeli ba balisa ba

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Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters

Taking care of our mental health is one other important aspect of our life that requires to be taken as personal responsibility. Mental and physical health are equally important components of overall health.   Mental health

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Banka e atametsa litšebeletso

Banka e atametsa litšebeletso

Banka ea Standard Lesotho e thakhotse letšolo le lecha la tšebeliso ea lichelete ka marang-rang, moo basebelisi ba banka ba tla reka motlakase, moea le tse ling. Tsena li boletsoe ke Mookameli oa Litšebeletso tsa

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Future-Ready Kids:

Future-Ready Kids:

Why Every School Curriculum Should Include Digital Globalization It is more important than ever to prepare our children for the future in the fast-paced world of today, where the digital landscape is changing nearly daily.

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